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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 上海 长宁区
  • 扬子江快运
  • 已缴纳 0.00 元保证金
  • 联系人扬子江快运 (先生)    
  • 会员 [当前离线] [加为商友] [发送信件]
  • 电话
  • 手机
  • 地区上海-长宁区
  • 地址上海长宁 上海市虹桥国际机场虹桥路2550号
  • 产品详情
  • 扬子江快运以上海浦东机场为主运营基地,机队包括3架波音747-400型货机、20架波音737货机。我司具有全面的货运代理、国际货代、限时快递、运输仓储、航空货运、物流咨询、海关监管和海关业务等运营资质.


       目前,扬子江快运已成功运营大连-杭州-深圳、广州-台北、大连-首尔-天津-大连等包机航线,并同国内外多家航空公司签署SPA协议,进一步扩展我司国际航线网络。 2014 年3月11日,扬子江快运浦东-安格雷奇-芝加哥-哈恩-天津-浦东环球货运航线,由此扬子江快运国际航线网络在欧洲航线网络更趋健全, 必将对促进和繁荣上海与欧洲国家的航空物流业发展起到积极的作用 .

    Charter service

    Yangtze River Express considers Pudong International Airport as its main business base. Our company has a fleet of three B747-400,twenty B737-300. The business of Yangtze River Express covers domestic and international freight forwarding, express in limit time, warehousing, air transport, logistics consulting, and customs clearance.

    Yangtze River Express can provide provisional international & domestic charter flight to meet customers’ different demands. Yangtze River Express now is successfully operating the charter flights to transport international Express.

    Till now, Yangtze River Express had successfully operated charter flight such as: Dalian-Hangzhou-Shenzhen, Guangzhou-Taipei, Dalian-Seoul-Tianjin-Dalian and etc. Also Yangtze River Express has signed SPA with many airlines to extend our service network. On 11st March 2014, Yangtze River Express launched new Global route from Pudong- Anchorage-Chicago-Hahn-Tianjing-Pudong successfully. Thus, our European service network grows more robust, which will definitely promote the development of intercontinental logistics industry between Shanghai and Europe.

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