Under the condition of growing prosperity , more and more uncomparable advantages of speedservice and space environment has come into our lives. We want to touch the sky and feel it instead of stand and watch it. We've been to the remote distance before, and, is it necessary for us to experience a higher altitude as wewant explore the sky? While we are devoting ourselves to life and at the same time we are forgetting another side of our life, it's joy, experience, and sweetness.
中国·西安航空飞行体验中心的出现,使得许多人对于航空飞行有了全新的认识, 更多的人对于自己的蓝天梦又有了新的一步。城市喧嚣使得我们身心俱疲,为什么不去放飞翅膀,体验一番别样的精彩了?没错,这就是中国·西安航空飞行体验中心。让我们张开翅膀,翱翔在碧蓝的天空,放飞心情,去探索它的美妙。
A new step to our dream because of Xi'an Aviation Flight Experience Center.Most of us are tied up by work all day ,and we are thinking , why dont we go fly and explore the mysterious sky ? That's right , Xi'an Aviation Flight Experience Center , a place to spread our wings and hover round the blue sky.
1. 起飞—右转—通过跑道—左转—俯冲—左转—低空通场—跃升—改平左转—失重体验—三转弯着陆
2. 低速慢飞、俯冲、跃升、大坡度盘旋
3. 基地机场起落航线
U FLY CLUB提供国内独家的直升机训练架。